What a weekend! We arrived in Chattanooga from all points of the compass on Thursday, some of us traveling more circuitous routes than others. *cough-cough* LawDog *cough*
Familial friends, old and new, greeted, hollered, and hugged one another as the tribe descended on the bar and lobby of the hotel venue.
On Friday, the con began in earnest with panels, autographs, and readings of all kinds. We met with other fine folks at the 1632 breakfast.

Jonna set up shop at the craft room, which became a highlight for a lot of folks at the con. More on that later, but here’s a peek at some of the fun!
Friday afternoon, we hosted the august What’s New at Raconteur Press panel. We estimate over 100 of you guys attended. Thanks for the support!
One of the highlights for us included recognizing our authors for their outstanding efforts in keeping us topped up with stories to publish. Our authors rock, and without them, there would be no 24 in 24!
We wanted to thank our authors with an inaugural Raconteur Press author ribbon. Our youngest author, Remy DiNote, was presented with the very first ribbon! You can find her work in Steam Powered Postcards (the one with her name on the cover!).

We also took the opportunity to sneakily present two of our authors with contracts for SteamPunk II! We were there, they were there, it seemed like the thing to do. J. Kenton Pierce and Matt Skaggs were called up and presented with their contracts live.

If you would like to get more of the shenanigans at the Rac Press panel, stay tuned! We’ve got video uploading as we speak.
Saturday went by in a flash as we attended various panels and hobnobbed with a number of notable characters.

That night, we set up our booth in the mezzanine. We are so grateful to all our authors who appeared out of nowhere to help us set up. Our internet and other minions had to get out of their way or get run over!
Not a bad haul, considering the air conditioning was out and it was hotter than Godzilla’s armpit. It was so hot, we expected Fedaykin fighters to leap out of the floor and claim the mezzanine in the name of Muad’Dib at any moment.
Authors stopped by the booth to sign their work. Remy DiNote even got to sign her very first autograph! Huzzah!
Sunday was a blur of shambling undead as worn-out and wrecked authors, publishers, and other necromancers stumbled about in a haze. Does anyone even remember what happened on Sunday? We’re not sure anyone remembers what happened on Sunday.
More after action reporting coming soonest!
I'm really glad you got a shot of Pierce and his contract. I love it when Alpha Mercs gain these opportunities. 👍
I note that the lady from Vegas had no trouble hanging in her blue jacket despite the heat on the mezzanine. I need to get my insulation checked.