deletedAug 27
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WW2 took a strange turn when a rogue singularity opened a portal to realms with more colorful natural laws. Dragons, indifferent to the war initially, turned the Norweigan rebels into U-Boat busters the day Einarr crashed into a fjord and needed his pilot light restarted. The Manhattan Project was shelved.

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How silly were we? The thought of making it across the strait intrigued us all and somehow, we thought we were different. Yet, there is the beast, right behind us, ensuring that we pay dearly for trying this shortcut.

“I am sorry my love, I should have listened to you.”

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We lured the sea serpent in. It was huge. It was also dumb. It went after us in the small boat. We had friends though.

The King Andy’s Revenge swooped in with its harpoons. They killed the serpent. The butchering started immediately afterward. The wives and kids would eat tonight.

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You have to feed the people!

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The sea dragon reared above the small boat and roared at the top of its lungs, terrifying most of the passengers.

"Flaug, how many times have I told you that scaring visitors will get you in trouble?"

"Too many. Scaring people is fun!"

George held his torch and sighed loudly.

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Cal winced, looking over his shoulder at the beast swimming just off the stern. “Sorry, Sir.”

“You can’t bring him every time, Sailor.”

“I know.”

“And yet, he’s here.” The Captain’s scowl deepened. “Again.”

“Fluffy gets separation anxiety, Captain.”

“Next time,” Captain growled, “Fluffy’s going to get a harpoon.”

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Hilarious! Well done!

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"And yet, he's here." hahaha

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Having absconded safely with the maiden, Paulo was triumphant. The couple joined Juarez and the captive mage at the boat. Then the dragon awoke. The mage sped them away as the towering beast reared its ugly head behind them.

Only the maiden saw the danger lurking in the depths ahead.

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The muleteer hit the seamule carrying their supplies and the king’s gifts. Daisy roared and uncurled her tail from the boat.

The ambassador just turned her back to the ruckus. The scholar was more interested in the fireprod itself.

“Impressive,” said the mercenary. “A raft would still have been simpler.”

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Feeding Frenzy

“Row, damn it!”

“Wind direction and speed, Lieutenant!”

“Fifteen knots east, northeast, Captain!”

Excellent! Hold ‘er steady!”

“Hurry, Captain! It’s surfacing!”

A canon fires. The monstrous sea serpent grabs the flying food and sinks beneath the sea.

“Why can’t the damned wizard find a better way to feed his pets?”

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The dragon roared, shaking the boat. “If you give me the virgin, I will spare the rest.”

The two sailors turned to the woman in confusion.

“You both know it's not me,” she said.

The dwarf sighed in resignation. The clan would laugh about his death for years to come.

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"Why you looking at me?" lol

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"Andy, don't shoot!" I cried futilely. My beloved wife Maureen sat trembling beside him, not looking behind. The king's soldiers rowed in grim rhythm. Andy fired again, scorching the monster’s scales.

“Die, foul beast, for eating good Sir Henry Clavan!”

I couldn’t tell him that I was still Henry Clavan.

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The Norse had come, knowing the sea needed her toll. The Saxons had come, knowing the only way to appease the wyrms. The Sámi had come, knowing the ice takes all.

They all knew true.

The flames would hold it back a moment. Her flaming hair would hold the rest.

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The oarsman was transfixed with horror. The girl turned away and prayed. Olaf simply gawked at the automatic. The stupid kid had never seen a machine gun before. But I had never seen a dragon before either, and I finally accepted I was no longer on Earth. I opened fire.

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The sparker drew no arc.

Coxswain raged, “Pull, pull again!”

My trembling hands dismantle the flamethrower. Each assembly checked, cleaned, dried, reassembled.

Strained faces, gasping lungs.




The Dragon rocketed into flight whipping tail slamming our boat.

From the wreckage we witnessed the enemies destruction.

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“The odd thing about sea dragons,” Ben thought, picking up the flamethrower, “is that they can breathe fire but can’t light it themselves.” He fired straight into the dragon’s mouth. With a satisfying “Whoompf!” the dragon lit off, the long jet of flame signaling the start of the beach raid.

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The Zanth broke the surface without warning. Tim was quick, I'll give him that. He opened up with his sub-machine gun just as the massive head came within snatching distance. The slugs got its attention, and a few seconds later I was alone, lying in the bottom of the boat.

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The great dragon had destroyed their ship, for he ruled these seas. The beast demanded tribute, and their offering had been insufficient.

The ocean boiled as the dragon rose from the depths. The surviving crew never stood a chance, as the dragon sent them to the depths for their trespass.

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