Children's Books
“We were hoping this would be a book that would grow along with a child. In the beginning, it’s very fun to read aloud. You can touch each robot and count them up. You can talk about the colors of the robot’s eyes (that’s not even counting-related, it’s a bonus!). Then, you can talk about adding up numbers, or taking them away.
Later, you can introduce the binary as puzzles, encrypted messages for the young reader to figure out and find out what is being said. Much later, you could hand this book to an older brother or sister to read aloud to their new sibling. You see? We want this book to be fun for all ages.
Just like counting should be. Math isn’t a boogeyman, and introducing numerical concepts early on in ways that can be organic and enjoyable will help children ease into it. We all talk to robots, these days. In one way, or another! Math is the language of science, and engineering, both vital trades in our world.
Challenge the young minds, give them puzzles to solve, and introduce math not as a dry, dreadful equation that will leave them cold. Teach them how to learn, how to teach themselves, and they will learn for the rest of their lives with enthusiasm and glee.” - A Word For Parents, by Cedar Sanderson