I feel for you in all the problems you are having at work. Good news is that if you carefully unravel that hair shirt, you can twist them all back together to make the spring action for a small catapult! And if you are careful, you can wind the barbed wire in a ball to be used with the catapult.....

Anyway, in answer to your question about underrated westerns: I've been a big fan of the 98/99 Magnificent Seven tv series - it only ran for 2 seasons, but the actors had a good rapport. Though the fan fiction for the series is infinitely better than the show itself.....

The family channel in the late 80's had a series called Bordertown that I still greatly enjoy. Each episode was only in a 30 minute slot, so about 20 minutes or so with commerical breaks, but it was a really well written series and I watch it now wondering what the writers and actors could have done if they had had more time.

There is also an old gem of a tv show I ran across a few years back called Laredo. It ran in the mid 60's and was overshadowed by some of the bigger shows, but Laredo is well worth watching for the great humor of the cast, including William Smith, Peter Brown, and Neville Brand.

As for western movies, I can suggest a lesser known Randolph Scott movie called Ride Lonesome that also co-stars Pernell Roberts. And if you want a lesser known Aussie western from down under, try out the Wrangler staring Jeff Fahey!

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Good suggestions!

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I was also a huge Bordertown fan. The actors' chemistry was amazing.

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They did have great chemistry! It was really a well done show. I'm glad I'm not the only person who remembers it! :D

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They gave you a spoon? Are Ian and Jonna going soft?

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It's more like a spork, and it's also my comb.


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