Andy Jackson for the skunk ape.

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Teddy Roosevelt vs. Mothman.

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Teddy Roosevelt and his Rough Riders drove the Chupacabra to extinction. Or so they believed...

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Chupacabra vs TR

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Jackson probably encountered a swamp ape or two

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Roosevelt might have tackled grey lions, the mysterious saurian cryptid in central africa, yeti in the Himalayas, or bunyips in Australia... also Bigfoot in the states.

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Roosevelt definitely fought Sasquatch at some point.

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TR fought several cryptids from Bigfoot to the chupacabra. It started as a police man in NY with vamps and continued into his days of hunting in the west.

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Abe Lincoln commissioned Wild Bill Hickock to hunt down the red-haired Sasquatch. Abe himself had fought the ape-men in his younger days, but had become pre-occupied with matters of state and passed the torch to Wild Bill.

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I like the idea of TR fighting Chupacabra. I also think Andrew Jackson would totally have fought the Moth man at some point.

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Teddy Roosevelt wrestled Bigfoot over Jackalope hunting rights.

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It's not well known that Teddy had the finest collection of stuffed Jackalopes ever assembled in one place - all taken by his own hand.

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It's even less well known *why* the Jackalope was the first cryptid with a federal bounty.

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TR vs the Mapinguari on his trip through the rainforest.

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I could also see US Grant vs the Yazoo River Mermaid during the Vicksburg campaign

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Roosevelt would most certainly have traveled to the big woods to fight the scourge of dogmen up there

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Andrew Jackson in his war against the Creek in Alabama vs a man-eating Swamp monster summoned by his desperate foes.

Or the vampires running the Federal Bank.

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Jackson, though he recruited others of them.

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