The Fox Gang getting shit done!!! BZ

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Some Rising Tide* suggestions, as the week is wrapping up (i.e. no need to do anything about them)

Love for The Middleman**

Based Book Sale

Redeemed Reader


Upstream Reviews ( Full disclosure: I buy loads of the books they review. Often before said review occurs)

And our comic-y frens. There are few and far between hangouts and supports for anyone who comes out of the closet.

So you can find my work and that of some of my frens (Paperdoll Veronica) at Arktoons.

But do share the middleman love. The establishment librarians and reviewers who support indie are risking their careers to support you. Move that Overerton window MOAR 🥰

*"Fighting evil so you don't have to. Middleman-!*

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