It's nice to hear ERB getting praised here- he mostly just gets called out for his faults in the 21st century, which isn't fair.

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"Grok." ICWYDT.

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Kaor, Jeddara!


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ERB paperbacks got passed around a lot on deployments in the 60s and 70s. Pulp & noir are king. Trading sleep time to read was a good bargain. Still is.

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I have a nice collection at home... now to check when this is due. I love John Carter and have...ideas...but my mind is on MG boy protagonists and this is very much portal fantasy too.

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Is that all. I mean, we've got a whole 8,000 words at our disposal (just kidding). ERB's Barsoom novels were my 'gateway drug' into science fiction so I'd love to throw a Moggie into the mix.

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Very cool idea for an anthology! Would they have to be Earth cats, or could they be native Martian cats?

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Whatever suits your fancy!

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